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Tenex Health TX® System

woman gardening with words overlayed Tenex Health TX Helps Relieve Pain at the Source to Promote Healing

Are you suffering from chronic tendon or plantar fascia pain?

Tendonitis refers to an injured tendon resulting from repetitive use and overuse when you are doing things you love or need to do. Repetitive motions, no matter how ordinary, can cause small micro tears in the tendon that do not heal properly, and result in chronic tendinopathy (tendon degeneration). In some instances, this may also lead to formation of calcification within the tendon, which can further increase pain.

Are you suffering from pain caused by a bone spur?

A bone spur (osteophyte or enthesophyte) is a bony growth formed on normal bone that can press or rub on surrounding tissues. This can cause inflammation, wear and tear, and pain. Restricting use may possibly help reduce the symptoms, but if the source of pain is a bone spur, the symptoms will usually recur.

If you answered yes to either of these questions, you may be a candidate for treatment with the Tenex Health TX System – clinically proven to remove tendon pain for over 85% of patients

The Tenex Health TX® System uses ultrasonic energy to treat pain-causing soft and hard tissue through a minimally invasive percutaneous approach. If you have tried physical therapy, cortisone injections, medication, or just taking time to ice, stretch and rest and are still in pain, talk to us.

This technique helps patients restore musculoskeletal function without the need for invasive surgery or general anesthesia, may give you quick pain relief, and should have you back to enjoying the things you love in a few weeks to a few months. This treatment can also be effective in cases of failed open, surgical procedures.

Patient benefits may include:

What areas of the body can Tenex Health TX treat?

Speak with us today if you are suffering from:

How does Tenex Health TX work?

Precisely targets your damaged tissue. Your doctor will visualize and identify the specific location of the damaged tendon tissue, bone spur or calcific deposit.

Removes the damaged tissue. Once the source of your pain is identified, your doctor numbs the area with a local anesthetic, allowing you to stay awake the entire time. Many people say after the numbing process—which feels like a bee sting—they felt only a slight pressure during the procedure (if they felt anything at all). Your doctor then uses ultrasonic energy designed to safely break down and remove the target, diseased tissue. The ultrasonic energy is applied with the TX MicroTip, which requires only a small incision to be introduced into the damaged tissue. The energy is effective for the cutting and removal of degenerative tissue and bone, while healthy tendon is left unharmed.

Requires no stitches. When the procedure is completed, your doctor applies a small adhesive bandage; no stitches are required. Because you are awake during the procedure (no general anesthesia), many people are able to drive home afterwards.  

Can offer rapid pain relief and faster recovery. Recovery is rapid with many people being back to normal activity within 6-8 weeks or less. Because of the minimally invasive approach and targeted removal of tissue, there is minimal downtime and less discomfort compared to open surgery. The speed of your recovery depends on the location and the extent of the damaged tissue being treated.

Orthopaedic Associates is excited to offer this technology! Avoid long recovery times and unnecessary discomfort with Tenex Health TX!

If you have foot, ankle, or tendon pain, contact Orthopaedic Associates today to make an appointment!

Visit to call, text, or learn more information.

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