Week 10 Training – River Run Ambassadors
Ruth – Did You Miss Me?
Last week, my blog was absent…that’s because I was in vacation last week.
We went on a Disney Cruise and I managed to work in two runs while we were gone. The first one was along Coco Beach and the other was aboard the Disney Dream. Neither run was super long, but I got in about 2 miles each run. I also tried to take the stairs on the ship whenever I could (which was quite a bit of the time) and walk as much as I could. Of course there was a lot of lazing around in the sun and amazing food, which I am pretty sure I managed well. I tried real hard not to over eat and to make somewhat healthier choices (are there really any healthy choices?)
A have friend that is also signed up to run this race and she posted the other day about how she had no idea how she was going to complete it. I told her I felt the same way. The Run is only a few weeks away and it feels like there is no way I will actually be ready in time. The next few weeks will be buckling down and getting in as much running as I can.
Small victory: at the park yesterday my kiddo & I ran up the steps from the park to the road…I got all excited because not only did I make up the steps without stopping or slowing to a walk….I was barely winded after running them!
Week 10. Hey, I made it! Three more weeks to go AND I achieved my goal of a comfortable 6. Well 7 miles actually. Did the practice River Run this weekend at the Double Tree Hotel. I think my GPS Map My Run might be a bit off. Says I did 7.78 miles, I always start it at the start when we all start moving. Kept a 14:37minute pace, took only (ha ha ha only) 1 hour and 53 minutes to walk/run the 7 miles. I’m there! I’m where I was hoping to be, injury aside, and feel WAY more confident to make it across that bridge on May 6th! And big plus I didn’t feel like I was dying afterwards. No huffing and puffing, gasping for air. The next day just a tad sore but hey I DID 7 MILES! The next three weeks are making my time better, more running than walking and just get to that comfortable point where an additional three miles won’t hurt too bad! AND a shout out to a new “treadmill” I tried at Bob’s gym. Have you heard of the curve treadmill? Dynamite piece of equipment for training. It’s non electric and is run by your pace. I’m sure it got me where I am now. So until next week.
After fighting this weird sickness, yet again, I went ahead and got an antibiotic to finally kick-it and started to slowly feel better. I started my week avoiding the high impact and instead, went to Bob’s Gym and rode the stationary bicycle for an hour. My goal was to try and ride the bicycle for 13 miles, my goal for my race on May 6th, and ended up being able to reach that goal without problems. I have to remind myself that riding a stationary bike is different from running so continued to work on increasing my endurance. I ran a couple more times thro ughout the week as much as I could, between soccer, baseball, archery, and tennis it has been hard to get the mileage in. I also met with Tia at the gym to work on weight training as well. My goal this coming week is to try to get out and increase my mileage without causing further injury.
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