Week 6 Training – River Run Ambassadors
This flu season has not been a joke. With continued frustration and sickness I attempted to work out on Tuesday morning with Tia at Bob’s gym. I was able to stay motivated for an hour, but my body paid the price the next couple of days as punishment. Never have I had so much pain and weakness before in my life, so much so that I ended up going to an Urgent Care on Thursday after work to figure out if anything could be done. Ultimately everything came back negative for strep and influenza so I was left with no knowledge of when I could expect to get better.
It wasn’t until Saturday afternoon that I started to feel better. My headaches were gone and it didn’t hurt to move. To take it slow, I decided to walk my dogs to see how it felt. The sun shining through the window was deceiving as I stepped out my door to cold air hitting my face. My walk went well and it felt great to leave the house. I decided that Sunday I would try to get out again to start my training again.
With me being sick, I had become frustrated and upset with myself due to my inability to go out and train. At this time I feel like I am 4 weeks behind of where I was before I got sick because my body still feels drained and tired. It is a little discouraging so I am trying to get back in gear and get back into training. Sunday I again walked my dogs, further this time, and got Tia to work out with me at the gym. I was able to run 3.1 miles on the elliptical and do weights so I am going to try and stay focused so I can be ready by my 7k this weekend.
Week 6, 8 weeks to go. My time was a little bit better though I only did a 5.5 miles not the full 8. Bounced between 15 and 16 minute mile so I’m feeling more confident with 8 weeks to go. AND just to add a little more fun to this I am participating in the Run of Luck this weekend, kind of as a monitor of how I’m doing. I’m optimistic, it’s only a 7k, (only, hahahah) a little over 4 miles. This will give me a small taste of the big day and 10 miles. Lots of training this week, need to do more cross training, treadmill is BORING. No signs of flu, cold or anything else (keeping up the garlic) hope I just didn’t jinx myself.
Ruth – It’s a Goal….-ish!
So my week has been a little weak. Last weekend at the River Run training, it was a 4 mile course. My first mile was sad, so sad. I did discover in general, I need to walk before running. When I start off in a run send pretty sure my body goes into shock. There is stretching involved and getting all inner-dialogy (I know…it’s not a word), however if I start out running first, my body gets all dialogy back at me and says….”Uh, you are so funny, you better walk a bit).
So, I started in a walk
and it was cold
and I wanted to go home,
but, I kept going.
My time got better with each mile. In the 3rd mile I realized there was a chance I just might make the 4 miles in under an hour. So I pushed myself and made the 4 miles in 56 minutes averaging a 13.50 minute mile
My son and I did have testing a Taekwondo this week; both of us earned our new ranks of Decided Red Belts. By then end of summer, we will be 1st Degree Black Belts.
The rest of my week was not so much … between the weather and life in general…my week was a weak. My goal-ish this week: to do the Run of Luck (4.3 miles) in an hour or less.
Katie – The Groundhog Was Right
I have never been more ready for warm weather. Or, I guess I should say, consistent warm weather. It’s 70 degrees and sunny one day, snowing the next…for crying out loud, it’s the middle of March! We’re on our way to April and as of right now, spring is nowhere in sight. #Depressing. The ups and downs in the temperature perfectly reflect the ups and downs that I’ve had throughout this whole training process. For starters, I am so sick. My throat feels like it’s closing up, and I am so tired. All the time. All I want to do is sleep. But, unfortunately, I have responsibilities and I can’t hibernate for the rest of winter. I missed last Saturday’s training—I decided that sleep was probably a better alternative to being outside in 30 degree weather, considering how terrible I’ve been feeling. We’ve also been going through some changes with scheduling at work, and I am now in a rotation where I am going to have to work Saturdays more frequently. Which is going to make it difficult to attend the Saturday morning trainings. So I messaged the girls who are on the ambassador team and started a little training group of our own—we’re going to start training during the week; heading out after the workday and running our own little trails. I’m excited to be able to still be able to train with other people, and I’m also excited about being able to bond with these ladies outside of work. The biggest struggle I’m dealing with right now is weather or not to keep training, or to rest, so I can get better, faster. I’m trying to stay positive, keep my eyes on the prize, but in all honestly, I’m feeling pretty bummed. Things have not gone according to plan, and there are a lot of times I spend doubting that I can do this. Where I’m at right now, I’m so far from being ready to participate in this race. Self-doubt is my biggest downfall, and I need all the encouragement I can get.
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