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OA Ensures Its Staff Members Are Financially Secure Through Coronavirus

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Today at 4:00 pm the CEO of Orthopaedic Associates, a mid-size Orthopaedic practice in Evansville, Indiana, announced to the entire staff via a video chat called late in the day that, even though the staff is working abbreviated hours during this Coronavirus pandemic, each staff member will be paid at his/her full base pay as if he/she is working at full normal work hours. 

According to CEO, Jerry Blanton, at this afternoon’s announcement to staff, all OA employees, regardless of their position and numbers of hours worked all regular full-time staff, “will be paid 40 hours’ per week full base pay starting this Friday for as long as we can.”

“We don’t want our people hurting.” That’s what the board of surgeons that own Orthopaedic Associates (OA) in Evansville, Indiana said during their board meeting earlier today. The surgeons that make up the board are: 

Dr. James GorisDr. Douglas Lowery ,Dr. Dennis Beck ,Dr. Gary Moore ,Dr. Robert Vraney ,Dr. Daniel Emerson

Dr. David KingDr. Anthony CzaplickiDr. Isaac FehrenbacherDr. Aaron Mull, Dr. Phillip Richardson

They immediately took action to help their staff get through the chaos and financial uncertainty of the Coronavirus.

Like many other organizations feeling the effects of the Corona virus, OA’s staff have been working abbreviated hours. 

Making sure the people that work at OA, no matter their position, are going to be financially ok was a top priority at a recent board meeting of the board group of surgeons and the CEO. 

Orthopaedic Associates is a mid-size Orthopaedic practice based in Evansville, Indiana with 5 offices in two states.

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